

God is father and mother

English - God is father and mother
07/12/2008 13:39:13

English - God is father and mother

 I was asking our sweet Mother why the delay for the souls from the Tower to be set free.….. 

 "They would be in heaven by now if it were not for the great love they have for you!”
“That is why the Tower will fall at any moment: their time is over! There are three at the balcony, now! Amen.”
Beloved children, thank you very much!
 I heaven too, millions of voices sing these beautiful hymns and with you, they raise up their hearts to God, joining you in your fervent prayers.
 And this, my little children, is so very agreable to God! And because of it His Heart pours rivers of love and of blessings all over you.
 Beloved children, there is in haven a true concern for all of you, for the salvation of your children, as the world shows forth ever more dangerous ways, showing your young ones a love for the mundane, for the pleasures, thus driving them further and further away from God!
 God understands your Mother and Father’s hearts, because God is Father and Mother.
 He does not want to lose any of His children…
 But, beloved children, all is so near!
 But God your Father gives you the centainty that He will hold your children, if you will walk with Him the path of love, of peace, of faith ..of the true doctrine.
 Many problems are yet to come and mothers will have to suffer still… but it will all be necessary so that God may transform the world for your children….
 So, love increasingly more your children, for they are much loved by God! And be sure of this, God will always be watching them as He will you.
 Your crosses, your fights for your children shall not be in vain for they are worth Heaven’s Embrace.
 But you mothers, you have the greatest burden: the difficulties are bigger… but your recompense will be extremely wonderful.
 Your children’s happiness shall last all eternity! Your happiness shall be in observing your children’s fulfilment in Heaven. Amen.
 Continue your fight; do not get discouraged for the prize is worth it.
 Thank you very much mothers, my beloved daughters, for all that you have already done, and will still do for your children, for all of that you have done and will do for Me, because I too, love you very much. Amen.
 Speak to them of heaven… and pray always for them.
 I will always look after them and yourselves! I bless you all, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
 Pray for the Ivory Tower!
 “Mary, Mother of the Universe”
 Message received by the confidant Claudio on May 9th, 2008

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