

The Eve Amnesty

English - The Eve Amnesty
07/12/2008 13:55:01

English - The Eve Amnesty

“Litlle Beloved sons: Peace!”

From the beginning of the centuries, in the whole history of the world, God never left his people alone! Never stopped protecting them!
The people of God crossed mountains, seas and deserts; knew thousands of other people and nations; suffered pursuits, prisons and exiles...
God, however, never left them and, with his immense power, freed his people, so many times from the yoke and the enemy currents!
He promised to Israel, the same He had already promised to Abraham, to defend and to protect his descendants "forever"!
And so God has been acting, without being lacking with his promise!
So, the people of God are, and it will be protected "always" by God!
And the enemy will never have power on him, so God is the strongest, the most cunning, and especially, the AUTHENTICALLY LOYAL ONE!
And, since you can read in the Scriptures, “If an alone sheep, of 100 %, loses the corral, God will put the 99 in security and will go out in search of that, and will rescue it!”
So, God fights, goes out in search... And nothing prevents Him from winning!
And God carries out his promise: To defend and to protect his children, forever!
Today, God causes in the  whole world, able and loyal workers for the same finality: to protect, to defend, to orientate and to bring back the bewildered children, orientating, observing and feeding his instruments with the gifts and the arms necessary for the Mission, and so, the God's Children march to the front, towards the Heaven!
In fact, 100 % is the God's children and 100 % they will be taken to the Glory!
This is the God's promise to Abraham and his descendants “forever!”
God said to Abraham that He would defend his descendants – They  would be so many people as for as the sand of the sea and the stars of the sky - as a sign of gratitude and like “present“ for his so extraordinary faith!
The protection of his people is a God's "present" to Abraham!
However, someone say, 80 % of the people is going to the hell!
If so was it, which present would be this one? What loyalty would be this one?
What weak God, without structures, without action, “without word”, would be this one?
A "soft" God deprived of wisdom, fallen, devastated, depressed, deprived ideas, capacities, and because not to say: deprived of love?
Now, who would undergo a God so? Who would trust a God so?
Now, little sons, all of you know that God is superior to all the force... Superior to all the demons: It was God who expelled the demons, creating the hell... For them!
How might it let the devil "load" 80 % of the God's children?
No, little sons, God would not be able to leave this to happen!
In fact, some are lost - as Judas was given up between the Twelve; like one Tribe was lost between the Twelve...
But it was in order to rescue the lost, God made himself born between the men!
So, between those who chose the ways of the perdition, God also rescues his children, when some reprobates are remaining only...
God is everlasting superior to any powers and his Love surpasses to all the force of the nature or of any enemies...
So, how He would leave his children to lose?
Those who think this way certainly are deprived of the God’s knowledge and are distant, everlasting far from knowing his Love totally back to his Children!
But, like the rebellious angels  were expelled by the arms of Saint Miguel, so God has been always counting on the children whom He chooses and trusts, to help them in this battle and to them distribute the necessary arms and draw for them the strategies for the combats! And God never lost a war!
Loved little sons: You are today, the God's chosen ones and because of you, the History of the Salvation happens still today!
Then, the devil is such a subdued being; that God does not even need He himself destroy it:  He sends the men to do this!
And the History of the Salvation follows his course, saving, rescuing, and bringing souls to Heaven, “forever!”
Thank you very much, loved little sons,  to you who accepted this mission! You, who participated the eve Amnesty, thank you very much!
You worked a great "care" and the enemy again was beaten and his traps, again disarmed!
Nevertheless, still reacts! Be then alert and always dispose of the God's Supreme Power! Amen!
You are the God's soldiers!
The Tower of Ivory, it still did not fall, but it will fall this year... The Guardians will continue still there and many thousands of saints, in the four corners of the world; also they guard those doors...
God is winning! Amen!
The secret soon will come openly and then you will see the wonders of the God who loves you above all his creatures! Amen!
Thank you so much!
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Message received by Confidant Claudius on the 31th august, 2008

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